2/Aug/2023 — Hace dos años compré un Audi TT S. No tenía muchas cosas en mente más que, quería de preferencia, un auto con interiores bonitos, que no tuviera una pantalla en el centro del auto y que no fuera algo común.
26/Jan/2023 — Nuestra economía y sociedad funcionan a través del nivel de confianza que proyectamos en otras personas, instituciones y empresas.
2/Sep/2021 — I went to a public school with this basic chess program, I quickly excelled but I had no one to practice with or to look up to.
15/Mar/2021 — Historically it's been said that money doesn't buy you happiness but lack of money makes you unhappy.
4/Mar/2021 — While listening, I bookmarked the episodes that I got to learn a ton about investment strategy, asset management, leadership, entrepreneurship, and decision making.
12/Dec/2020 — There are some advantages to having offices in Mexico City, one is that cost of living is lower than cities like San Francisco or New York City.
3/Jul/2020 — Two weeks earlier, when I boarded my plane at Mexico's City airport I was asked if I had recently been to China or been in contact with someone who had been there in the past couple of weeks, I didn't.
18/Mar/2019 — I've visited a large number of Japanese restaurants in Mexico City and decided to make a list of my favorite ones for eating ramen.